International Students Information

International Students Information

inter-picIf you are not ordinarily a resident in Canada or USA you need appropriate International students information before you travel from your home country. As more students begin to seek for higher education away from their home country International students information will continue to be required . Canada is one of the international students’ destinations among other destinations.

International students from most countries where English is not the native language need extra training in English Language. To succeed in college or university they need good communication skills. Some students are not aware of the  required level of fluency in the English Language. They travel with the basic communication skills in English. Such students face certain  risks, such as failing in tests and quizzes because of poor communication. Students should have access to proper international students information to avoid risks and disappointments.

All the students entering college or university in Canada must be fluent English or French. Most students attend universities and colleges where English is the default language of communication. International students information should help them to be more prepared.

International students information and preparation to travel

Students whose first language is not English may have difficulties in completing assignments because of challenges with with grammar and spelling. Because of poor grammar some students lack confidence in academic writing. This is one of the reasons we created aninnovative course  called English as a Second Language. It exposes students to enough  English Language to complete University or College education in North America.

Although most international students  admitted to the North American universities have passed a proficiency examination, this is not adequate. They get surprised to find that the wording and formatting of of academic examinations is very different from what they are used to. Proper international students information could help these students to register for online english courses to improve fluency in writing and speaking.

Challenges  in speaking and writing in English makes it difficult for the student to make  friends with local students. This can be avoided if international students are better prepared.

Some international students face other challenges apart from language proficiency. The common challenge is sudden requirement to adapt to unfamiliar educational system. The North American education system involves class lectures, tutorials, group work, discussions, and oral presentations. Memorization of class notes is not required. This can be overcome by taking courses online from North American colleges.

Because of the rapid change in learning, some students are passive when it comes to group projects. This is often aggravated by varying degrees of low English proficiency. A student can overcome this challenge by adequate preparation.

In this website we are providing a course in English which you can take before you travel to Canada or USA. Click here for more information. You can take this course from your country. You will be more prepared for academic life in USA or Canada. If you would like to test your proficiency in grammar click on this link.