Electronic Common Technical Document
Many regulatory agencies are now adapting the electronic Common Technical Document format for application of marketing authorization. Many sponsors are also switching from the paper submission to the electronic Common Technical Document format.We expect that the electronic Common Technical Document will soon be compulsory. It will be a challenge to sponsors who don’t prepare to transition to the electronic Common Technical Document early. This course was designed to meet the need of pharmaceutical companies who realize the need to this training
General information
This training course was designed for personnel dealing with biopharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticals and plan to develop submissions using the eCTD.
You will benefit if you are interested in understanding of essential guidelines, tools, and the required submission processes. It’s highly recommended for all the following :
• Authors of CTD Sections
• Technical Writers
• Clinical Writers
• Regulatory Affairs
• Regulatory Operations personnel
• Submissions Management
• Regulatory affairs Project Managers
• Information Technology personnel
Total Length of Course: 36 hours
Cost: $850